FROB Concludes 3-Day Stakeholder Engagement Workshop aimed at newly designated Public Interest Entities (PIEs) under section 2 (e) of the FR Act 2013

The Gambia Financial Reporting Oversight Board (FROB) concluded a 3-day stakeholder engagement workshop aimed at newly designated public interest entities (PIE) under section 2 (e) of the FR Act 2013. The workshop's objective is to educate, inform, promote dialogue and facilitate direct interaction between PIE professionals and FROB executives.

This proactive engagement is a testament to FROB's commitment to upholding high standards and ensuring that all stakeholders are well-informed and actively involved in the process of its current and upcoming developments.

Enhancing financial reporting and corporate governance standards in the country requires the collective and active participation of all public interest entity professionals. The FROB extends its appreciation to PIE and PIE representatives that have taken part in this initiative. 

To the media houses FROB appreciates the partnership and extends it willingness and commitment to future collaborations and cooperation.

And, to our high table and guest speakers, we extend our warmth gratitude and appreciation to the Honorable Minister of Finance Seedy K.M Keita; Representative of PURA Mr Gibou Joof; Representative of GRA Mr Samba Sallah.

Finally on behalf of Management and the Board FROB applauds the tireless efforts of its Stakeholder Engagement Working Group.